Sunday, January 17, 2010

If you found a crocodile in your bath, would your first thought be ';accessories';?

First thought: ';Not again!';If you found a crocodile in your bath, would your first thought be ';accessories';?
no, my first thought would be ';why the f*ck is there a crocodile in my bath!';If you found a crocodile in your bath, would your first thought be ';accessories';?
I prefer leather my self
No, definitely not. But I wouldn't try to make friends either.
No my first thought would be dinner, having eaten crocodile I know it's very tasty.
No. First I would think it, then say it as I doodle it. Next thought ';forget my foot, I want to save my precious bits!';

Charles ';That Cheeky Lad';

None the less...A Wicked Happy Christmas to everyone!

Peace and prosperity to all!
ofcors not!

i'l run immediately 4 my life... yaiks!
errr no, it would be wheres my shotgun!!
I'd probably faint if I found a crocodile in my bath, I know that doesn't help much, but I'd be in shock =)
never, none of those in canada
I'm still laughing too hard to type fast!!! Thanks, I say as laughter tears run freely down my face!
nice boots. lls
most likely
I'd think .... hmmmm IS THIS JUST AN ALLIGATOR IN DISGUISE! Bloody imposters these days. Tsk tsk.
good idea. Some boots and a purse i would like.

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